Tuesday 21 July 2015

More from the Italian and Swiss Suvorov campaigns of 1799 book

Found a couple more images from this book. I'm not sure how many more colour plates there are but if there are more as good as this then the book is well worth getting... if you can find one.

Trebbia. June 6, 1799

1. The bugler of 8th Light Infantry (France).
2. Trooper 1st Cisalpine Hussars (Cisalpine Republic).
3. Colour bearer of the 3rd Battalion of the 1st Polish Legion (Cisalpine Republic).

Constance, September 26, 1799.

1. Private, Noble Cavalry regiment of the Duke de Berry (Russia).
2. Chasseur, Bachmann's Swiss regiment (Britain).
3. Fusilier, Roverea's Swiss regiment (Britain).

Mutten Valley, September 20, 1799

1. Guides of the Massena (France).
2. Chef de brigade of the line infantry (France).
3. Grenadier NCO of the musketeer Miloradovich's (Apsheron) regiment (Russia).

Thursday 16 July 2015

The Italian and Swiss Suvorov campaigns of 1799 book

I posted my Cossacks yesterday and mentioned that I was interested in the Russians in Italy and Switzerland, and someone suggested using 1805 Russians in bicorne. This got me looking online to see how different the uniforms were. I spotted this and thought I would share it...

AST-014 The Italian and Swiss Suvorov campaigns of 1799 book

The Italian campaign
The Swiss campaign
The tactics and armament of the opponent parties
The Russian Army (the arrangement, equipment and colours)
The organization of the Russian Army
The uniform of the Russian Army
The colours and standards of the Russian Army
The Austrian Army (the arrangement, uniform, the colours)
The arrangement of the Austrian Army
The arrangement of the allies subsidiary contingents
The uniform of the Austrian Army
The colours and standards of the Austrian Army
The French Army (arrangement, uniform, colours)
The arrangement of the French Army
The arrangement of the French subsidiary contingents
The uniform of the French Army
The colours and standards of the French Army
The uniform of the French subsidiary contingents
Appendix. The quarter-bill of the Armies for the campaign of 1799
The list of the literature and the sources
44 pages, 27 illustrations

1. St.Gotard, 13 September, 1799

Squadron trumpeter of the 9th hussars' Erdedi's regiment (Austria) who is dressed in the old type of uniform (1767). The trumpeters of the Hungarian hussars regiments were traditionally hired from the Germans and that's why they were dressed into the full-dress uniform instead of hussar's pelisse and wore the hat instead of the cap. Since 1798 such kind of uniform was countermanded but until the 1800 the hussar's trumpeters still continued to wear their exotic uniform.
Chasseur of the Bagrations' chasseurs' (7th) regiment (Russia) dressed in the uniform of 1797, wore the forage hat instead of the unwieldy hat and with the aglet that is buttoned to the full-dress uniform.
The field engineer of the Nazimov's pioneer company (Russia). Only one pioneer company took part in the Italian-Swiss campaign. The field engineer had the rifle at the back of him that is not defined by the order but is available due the military actions he took part in.

2. Zurich, 16 September, 1799

The dragoon of the 17th dragoons' regiment (France) dressed in the ordered uniform of 1793 year type.
The sub-ensign of the musketeer company of the musketry Markov's the 1st (Muromsk) regiment (Russia). During the battle near Zurich the regiment lost three colours (one regimental that was found later on and three company ones).
The rank of the 46th line Demi-brigade (France).

3. The siege of Mantua, April to July of 1799

Sergeant of the regiment of the national border (Austria). The second Bakinsk #11 regiment of the national border took part at the siege of Mantua. The uniform of the sergeants was rather voluntary (the traditional privilege), sometimes very rich as the same as the armament.
The artilleryman of the first vacant artillery regiment (Austria) who is dressed in the regulated uniform of the 1798. The hat brims are turned up in contrast to the army regulated variant. Two companies of that regiment took part at the siege of Mantua.
The drummer of the Durasov's artillery company (Russia) who is dressed in the uniform of 1797. The company took part at the siege of Mantua as the part of the Kray's corps.

4. Trebbia, 8 June, 1799

Officer of the Couriers corps (Russia). The corps was established in 1797 to forward the personal Emperor's directions. As usual, two or three couriers participated into the campaign together with the Army. Besides other responsibilities they should deliver the captured colours and standards.
 Field-officer of the grenadier Rozenberg's (Moscow) regiment (Russia).
The regiment captured three French colours at the battles near Trebbia and Nyra. It was rewarded by the Maltese colours with the legend on the distinguished service.
Cossack of the Don Cossacks regiment (Russia). The Don Cossacks regiment of Posdeev the sixth was attached to the Baranovskiy's second brigade that included the Rozenberg's grenadiers regiment. The Cossacks uniform was not regulated but the combination of red and blue, traditional for the Don Cossacks, were followed in the most cases. The Cossack has got the colours of the 17th Line Demi-brigade in his arms that was captured by the Moscow grenadiers.

Wednesday 15 July 2015

Cossacks - 15mm Old Glory

Back in March I posted a review and comparison of 15/18mm Cossack figures, and after picking these as my most "almost finished" unit they were quickly finished.

I've painted a few 15mm Old Glory figures recently and I've been really impressed by how well they come out. These are no different as they paint up really well.

I'm not planning on doing Russians, unless of course someone does Suvarov's troops for the Swiss/Italian campaigns.

The only issue I have with these figures is the bending of the lances. I'd replace these with steel lances if I had time.

Monday 13 July 2015

15/18mm Austrian Cavalry Comparison Part 2

After I did the comparison post on Austrian cavalry it was pointed out that I'd missed some. Obviously I don't have every manufacturers figures to hand to compare them, but there are some that I did have that I forgot about including, so here is another comparison with other figures.

These are, from left to right in both pictures, an Austrian Hussar from Blue Moon, a Uhlan from Battle Honours, a Dragoon from Boki Miniatures on a Campaign Games Miniatures horse, a line infantry officer from Old Glory, and an AB general.

These are all roughly compatible, although the Old Glory figure and horse seem a lot smaller. For other Old Glory mounted figures I've remounted them on larger horses and they look fine, but this is a single piece casting, so maybe not the best representation.

The Battle Honours figure is a little small as well, but would possibly benefit again from going onto a larger mount.

Blue Moon's figure is by far the smallest of the separately cast riders, and although he's on a larger mount he still looks like a very small 15mm figure, especially when you consider that Blue Moon's foot figures are closer to 18mm than 15mm. The other issue with this range is that the horses are very thick through the body, so other figures can't sit on them comfortably.

So, the only range that I would like to have shown that is missing is the Fantassin/Warmodelling/Battle Models range.

Here's a link to the last comparison in case you missed it... LINK

Hopefully this is a help again.

Sunday 12 July 2015

LD3 Erzherzog Johann Light Dragoons - AB and Boki Miniatures

The 3rd Light Dragoon Regiment FM Erzherzog Johann Baptist is the first unit of my light dragoons that I've finished. I've used the brand new Austrian cavalry from Boki Miniatures for the troopers, AB Miniatures for the command, with horses from Campaign Games Miniatures (Boki supply the figures without horses).

I'm quite happy how these turned out, though to be honest I struggled with a lot of the detail. Sho Boki had some excellent detail that I couldn't paint with these old eyes and fingers, especially on the saddle cloth. I wasn't sure if they should have had white or green jackets as there is conflicting information as to when, or even if, the coats of every unit were changed to white, but my plan is to create 4 units, two with bicorne and two with kasket, with one of each in white and one in green. Here's the plan to ease confusion (it may not be 100% correct, but I'm hoping to show the variety that may have been seen in these units).

So here are the figures...

These are great figures and fit in really well with my collection. I've ordered more horses and Boki is planning to release new figures really soon, including line infantry officers, so there will be loads more mounted miniatures coming to my collection soon.